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Microfiche and Microfilm Document Scanning

Docufree brings the unique digital solutions and proven expertise necessary to successfully convert high-volumes of historical microfiche and microfilm data for clients in highly-regulated industries.

We digitize microfiche and microfilm data for insurance companies, financial organizations and healthcare clients of all sizes. Our deep understanding of unique compliance requirements and sector-specific experience with large-scale insurance companies positions Docufree as a long-term, trusted vendor partner.

Why choose Docufree for your microfiche or microfilm conversion project?

Our scanning specialists are experienced with clients in a variety of highly- regulated sectors. We deliver on complex digitization project requirements, ensuring a comprehensive quality review (QR) protocol—using a combination of automated software and human validation—before the finished images are uploaded for client use.

We also offer exception handling and scan-on-demand services while projects are in process, enabling customers to request and receive a digital version of any microfiche or microfilm image not yet scanned and indexed. The Docufree team typically delivers any requested scan-on-demand files to the customer within 24 hours. Our staff is trained to adhere to any and all confidentiality requirements, and a file destruction service is available if selected by the client.

Docufree’s team is thorough and committed. They were able to repair a significant number of our microfiche cards, saving archived data that would have otherwise been lost.

Why businesses invest in microfiche and microfilm scanning and digitization

Reduction in costs

The cost of maintaining space for large volumes of physical records can impact businesses financially. Investing in bulk document scanning of archived microfiche and microfilm will reduce the amount of space required to store physical documents.


Digitized documents are available instantaneously to customers and staff and can be shared and viewed easily and simultaneously. Digitized images become ‘text searchable’ with our OCR capability meaning you can find the information you need with a simple search.

Risk mititation

Digitization of microfiche and microfilm results in a secure inventory of your business and customer data. Bulk document scanning also protects your business from losing information or files due to physical damage or destruction of the original microfiche and microfilm.

Operational efficiency

Physical documents can only be accessed by the person holding the document. In today’s digital world, remote file access and document sharing is a key to streamlined business processes and a seamless customer experience.

Security and compliance

Digitizing microfiche and microfilm enables data to be protected from unauthorized access. Highly-regulated industries are required to maintain customer and business records over many years, and a digitization strategy ensures compliance and vital data security.

Quality review and control

Our 100% quality control (QC) and quality review (QR) protocol use a combination of automated software and human validation before finished images are sent to customers each day.

Bulk document scanning is just one element of our comprehensive digitization service

Bulk microfiche and microfilm document scanning is just one service we offer as part of our suite of digital transformation solutions. Depending on your business needs and your point on the digital transformation curve, you may require one or more services to achieve your goals and streamline your operational processes.

Speak to a microfiche and microfilm scanning expert at Docufree