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Michael Williamson

Michael Williamson

Senior Strategic Solutions Consultant for Public Works at Docufree | CIP & CDIA+ Certified

From Chaos to Clarity: Conquering the LCRR Lead Service Line Inventory Challenge

As Seen in Water Industry News at AWWA

Article Courtesy of Docufree

Public water systems are the backbone of safe drinking water delivery across North America. Yet, a hidden threat lurks within aging infrastructure—lead service lines (LSLs). The EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) aims to address this critical issue by requiring all water systems to develop an LSL inventory by October 16, 2024. For many systems, particularly those with a long history, this presents a daunting challenge. 

Mountains of unstructured paper and digital records—permits, construction documents, engineering maps, work orders, inspection reports, and tap cards—can bury valuable data critical for identifying LSL locations

Partnering for Efficiency

“Urgency” is a key term for water systems right now. They need to get their LSL inventories done as fast as possible in order to be compliant, as well as to protect and notify their residents should lead be discovered. Extracting this information manually can be a resource-intensive, error-prone, and expensive process when performed in-house, especially when so many of these records are handwritten.

Here’s where partnering with a qualified information management provider can be highly beneficial. Such a partnership can significantly streamline the LSL inventory development process, making it faster, more cost effective, and ultimately more accurate.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Partner

  • Experience: Look for a provider with a proven track record in assisting water systems with LSL inventory development.
  • Services Offered: Ensure the provider offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the specific needs of  your LSL inventory project. These services may typically include:
    • Document Digitization: Secure scanning and conversion of your paper records into searchable digital files.
    • Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): Advanced technology that extracts specific LSL data from both paper and digital records, automatically generating searchable indexes for your inventory. Human oversight ensures accuracy.
    • Cloud-Based Document Management: A secure, centralized platform for storing and managing your LSL inventory data. This platform should allow authorized users to access and search the data from any location. Some providers may also offer the option to export data for use in existing systems.
  • Data Security: Select a provider with robust security measures to protect your sensitive data. Look for certifications or compliance with relevant data security standards.
  • Scalability: Choose a partner who can scale their services to meet the specific needs and volume of your water system’s LSL inventory project.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a qualified information management partner to optimize your LSL inventory development process, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and compliance with the LCRR deadline.

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference & Exposition presents a unique opportunity to explore these innovative solutions and chart a course toward a clear and compliant future. Docufree was proud to be apart of the event this year to showcase our experience.

Although the conference has concluded, our commitment to helping you remains. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and learn how we can streamline your LCRR inventory development process. Together, let’s turn the tide on lead and ensure safe drinking water for generations to come.


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